A pioneer since day one, NAPPEY was born measuring, reducing and offsetting its CO2 emissions.
The first NAPPEY tree have been growing for more than 20 years, while the last ones see the light of day everywhere in France every year during the planting season (October-May).
Today, NAPPEY forest and trees are growing in France.
Who plants NAPPEY trees?
Planting and maintaining a plantation is a job for experts.
We have been accompanied from the beginning by NAUDET Pépinières, established throughout the territory for 50 years.
After defining the number of NAPPEY trees to be planted for the year, NAUDET makes a call for forestry projects, based on specifications defined with NAPPEY in order to respect the diversity of French forests.
"Planting a tree is the best gift we can give to future generations"
— Marc Durand, CEO of Nappey
Our best ally against climate change
Having the least possible impact on the climate means first and foremost reducing the CO2 emissions of NAPPEY products over time.
The bet is a success: a NAPPEY watch emits on average 50% less CO2 than a watch of a competing brand.
We achieve this by removing all unnecessary parts from a watch, including the user manual and warranty card. Less plastic and less paper makes our mission more meaningful.
Beyond the carbon neutrality of our company, NAPPEY contributes to global carbon neutrality.
How does it work?
Private owners or local communities with specific projects apply and NAPPEY subsidizes the entire planting. A tripartite contract is set up defining the rules to follow:
the good maintenance of the forest so that it grows serenely